The Pediatric Practice is for all children from age 0 to 18 with a complaint or problem for which the general practitioner or youth healthcare doctor (huisarts or jeugdarts) thinks that a pedatrician should be involved. The Pediatric Practice is not intended for acute health problems.
When a patient turns 18 while under treatment by the pediatrician, they may choose to continue to be treated by the pediatrician. The pediatrician ensures a clean transfer of care to the internist as soon as the patient desires.
The Pediatric Practice offers specialized medical care outside the hospital.
Examples of this care are:
The Pediatric Practice does not provide acute healthcare. For emergency problems, your general practitioner (huisarts) will direct you to one of the nearby hospitals.
For lab testing and X-rays, we use OLVG-East.
To make an appointment, you’ll need a referral letter from your general practitioner (huisarts) or youth healthcare doctor (jeugdarts).
You can request a repeat prescription By sending us an e-mail or leave a message at our voicemail. You don’t get a confirmation-mail of your request. Always request repeat prescriptions well in advance. You can pick up the prescription at your pharmacy after 48 hours (working days).
If you no longer have an appointment scheduled at The Pediatric Practice, you can request a repeat prescription from your general practitioner (huisarts).
If you have a referral letter from your general practitioner (huisarts) or youth healthcare doctor (jeugdarts), then the care provided by the pediatrician is always covered under your basic insurance. For children, there is no deductible or co-pay required, so all costs for your visits are always completely covered.